Eight Ways To Prevent Toe Cramps
There are eight ways to help prevent toe cramps: 1) Toe Socks 2) Stretching your feet 3) Strengthening your feet 4) Minimalist Shoes 5) Drinking more water 6) Eating more Potassium 6) Self Myofascial Release 7) Sit Kneeling 8) take rest days
What Is The Fastest Way To Get In Shape?
The fastest way to get in shape is to track your food intake, do some form of cardio daily, strength train three to four times a week, and do all of it with relentless consistency.
What Is The Future Of Animal Protein?
With global warming on the rise, if you are like me, you may be thinking about the future of protein production. If we can no longer factory farm how will we provide protein to the nation?
How To Make Cold Showers Easier
We’ve all seen or heard about some benefits of cold exposure, whether it's that cold showers are great for reducing inflammation, strengthening your immune system, and waking you up.
Foods That Burn Belly Fat
The best foods for burning belly fat are foods with a high nutrient density and have a high fullness factor. Adding these foods to your diet is an easier way to burn belly fat than saying, "I'll never eat pizza again."
How Many Sit-Ups Should A Beginner Do To See Results?
How many sit-ups you need to do to see results is initially very few and will continue to increase as you get stronger.
Xero 360 VS. Prio Review: One Year Later
We are coming up on the first anniversary of the Xero 360. So I thought it would be helpful to review them after a year of heavy usage and compare them to the Prio after that same usage.
Is Slacklining A Good Workout?
Is slacklining a good workout? What are the benefits of slacklining? Is slacklining hard? What is the trick to learning slackline?
Can I Lose Weight Just By Drinking Water?
You can lose weight by simply adding more water to your diet.
How Many Sprints Should A Beginner Do To See Results?
A beginner should start with ten 100-meter sprints and only two at full speed.
How Many Single-Leg Deadlifts Should A Beginner Do To See Results?
If you had to choose one strength exercise to do for the rest of your life, the best choice would be a single-leg deadlift.
What Are The Results Of Jumping Rope For 10 Minutes A Day For Thirty Days?
What are the results of jumping rope for 10 minutes a day for thirty days?
Are Xero Shoes Good For Flat Feet? High Arches? Pronation? Supination?
Whenever I talk to someone about the benefits of minimalist shoes, the first thing that comes out of their mouth is an excuse as to why they themselves cannot wear minimalist shoes.
Are Xero Shoes Good For Lifting?
Are Xero Shoes good for weight lifting? Are Xero Shoes good for Crossfit? Should you train in Xero shoes? This article explores the pros and cons of training in Xero shoes.
Do I Need An MRI?
In August, I wrecked hard. I was riding my new toy, a OneWheel, going 20MPH on a device designed to top out at 18.
I flew forward off this thing and made an effort to land safely, moved my hands out of the way, and rolled. I got some minor road rash down the left side of my body, my shoulder was a little tender, and I thought ---How do I know if I need an MRI?
Is A Jump Rope Better Than A Peloton?
People stick to workout routines for one of two reasons. First, it is convenient, or second, there is an accountability system. When it comes to at-home cardio, there is nothing more convenient than a jump rope and very few better accountability systems than Peloton.
Why Is Zoom Personal Training Effective?
Zoom personal training is an investment in health and fitness. In this article, I go into detail about zoom personal training and if it is right for you.
Are Xero Shoes Really Good? An Honest Review From Their Worst Affiliate
An honest review of Xero Shoes from their worst affiliate.
Fuck Meditating
The goal of meditation is twofold to help you be present in the moment and quiet your mind, but it’s not the only way to receive those benefits.
Why Is Slacklining Good For You?
Is slacklining good for you? What are the benefits of slacklining? What are the physical benefits and what are the mental benefits?