Why Is Zoom Personal Training Effective?

It's no secret that personal training on Zoom is the new trend, and for a good reason! In a lot of ways, Zoom personal training is more effective than in-person training, and in some ways, it isn't.

If you're interested in Zoom personal training but unsure if it will work for your situation, this blog post is for you. First, we'll look at the advantages of Zoom personal training and then discuss some drawbacks that might put a stop to you wanting to use Zoom for your fitness objectives.

zoom personal training


1. Less expensive than traditional personal training

For many people, the cost is the biggest barrier to hiring a trainer. However, Zoom personal training is generally 20% cheaper than having someone come to your home. Therefore you may be able to afford more sessions on Zoom than in person. Which can help you achieve your exercise goals while saving hundreds of dollars in the process.

2. Accountability

The most significant benefit of Zoom personal training is accountability. When personal training on Zoom, there aren't any excuses for not showing up. You never get stuck in traffic, you never forget anything at home, and you rarely can come up with a valid excuse for missing a workout.

3. Scheduling

Scheduling is another way that Zoom personal training is easier for all parties involved. There is no commute time. Often in the mornings, I'll train someone in Chicago at 5 am, and New York at 6:15 am. While this is great for the trainer, it is also great for you. You can go from your trainer to your shower in a matter of seconds.

4. No worrying about Covid

Let's be real, recently, getting Covid at the gym is one of our biggest excuses for not working out. With Zoom personal training, there are no crowds, no locker rooms, and no risk of catching anything. Your trainer could have Covid, and you would not be in any danger.

5. Same great results

A good personal trainer is a good personal trainer. Regardless if it is in person or over Zoom. As long as you have the necessary equipment, you will get the same great results from a trainer, and you'll save money too.

why train on zoom


1. No tactile feedback

There are three types of learners when it comes to teaching movement: audio, visual, and tactile. Most people are a healthy mix of these three learning types but have one that they lean towards. I've been personal training for over ten years and have met plenty of people who need physical feedback. They need to be put in the correct position to achieve it. Now 95% of people aren't like that, but about 5% of people are. 

If you fall into that category, Zoom personal training is not a good fit for you. 

2. Racking your weights... alone

No matter where you work out, you are going to have to rack your weights. However, when you hire a trainer, they help with that. They help you change your weights and clean up your workout area. 

If you are at home, you are racking and changing your own weights. 

3. No spotter

When you work with a virtual trainer, there is no one to spot you. So you can't push yourself quite as hard without taking the proper safety precautions. Of course, this only applies to barbell exercises like squatting and bench press, but it is a point against zoom training.

If you are doing barbell workouts at home, you are on your own, and a squat cage with safety bars is not a small investment.

4. Adjusting the camera angles

Different exercises are viewed best from different vantage points; if you are doing a deadlift, I'd like to see a side angle. On the other hand, if you are doing a squat, I'd rather see you more head-on. Ideally, I'd like both angles for every exercise; that is why an in-person personal trainer will move around to look at your form.

Changing the camera angle in between exercises can become a little tedious at times.

benefits zoom training

If, after reading the above, you are still interested in Zoom personal training, you will need some equipment. Most people can start with no equipment, but you will need to increase the resistance as you progress. That is where workout equipment comes in.


1. TRX Suspension Trainer

If you are only going to buy one piece of equipment for your home gym, the TRX is the one you should go with. You could do an hour-long workout and train every muscle in your body using only the TRX. And it is easy to adjust the difficulty for beginners and advanced trainees alike.

trx rows

It does take the proper space or setup to use, but it's worth having if you start working out at home.

2. Weights

Either dumbbells or kettlebells and here is an article on how to choose which is best for you. Resistance training with weights is the most effective way to build muscle. It is also the simplest way to linearly progress when exercising. For example, if you can shoulder press five pounds on Monday, maybe try eight pounds on Friday or more reps with the five-pound weights.

To have an effective workout at home, you need a way to adjust resistance effectively. Either through the angle and volume like with the TRX. Or with more weight, like, well, weights.

virtual personal training

Lastly, if you are looking for a great virtual personal trainer, look no further. I'd be happy to help.

Virtual personal training is a great way to get in shape and stay fit. It's an effective fitness program because it's the same as regular personal training, with added convenience.


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