Which Balance Board Is Best?
Balance boards come in all shapes, sizes, and difficulty levels.
Is A Onewheel Good Exercise?
The Onewheel is the ultimate commuter vehicle because you can go places without breaking a sweat. Is the Onewheel a good workout? Can the Onewheel be used to burn calories?
How Pull-Ups Change Your Body
To answer how pull-ups change your body, for one month, ten men attempted to do 30 pull-ups a day and track the results.
How Can I Improve My Concentration And Focus At Work?
Ever since middle school, I've had trouble staying focused. It got to the point that my teachers insisted I had ADD and suggested I get tested. I've improved quite a bit since I was 13. I'm not as focused or disciplined as I would like to be, but I have some tried and true methods for getting shit done. These are things that work for me and might work for you as well.
What No-Carbs Does To Your Body
Have you ever wondered what eating no carbs does to your body?
Are Bicep Curls Bad For You?
Have you ever found yourself doing bicep curls and wondered, is this a waste of my time?
100 Kettlebell Swings A Day Challenge
Have you ever found yourself doing bicep curls and wondered, is this a waste of my time?
Are Push-Ups Better Than Running?
Push ups vs. Running? Do you gain strength faster from running or push-ups? Do you lose weight faster from running or push-ups? Is running or push-ups better for your mental health?
Four Items That Complete Your Home Gym
Your home gym isn't complete without these four items. These items are special because they increase the value of all the other gym equipment you have already!
Why Aren't I Jacked Yet?
You are not alone, here are the top four reasons you aren't jacked yet.
Toxic Fitness Dialogue
In this article, I want to talk about fitness dialogue and which terms we should change as a culture, and a few that some people need thicker skin concerning. Sugar-Free, Calorie Deficit, No Pain No Gain, Vegan, Guilt Free.
How To Shut Off Your Brain And Fall Asleep Faster
I’ve often wished for a switch I could flip in mind to turn it off. A button that allows me to fall asleep, like powering down a robot or turning off my phone, I wish that I could simply stop consciousness until my body is well-rested and I’m prepared for the next day.
What Should You Do After Physical Therapy?
All good things come to an end, which includes physical therapy.
Do I Need To See A Doctor For My Back Pain?
Will my back pain heal itself? Do I even need to do anything? Should I go to a physical therapist first/instead? When is it time to go to the doctor for my back pain? I teamed up with Montri Wellness to answer these questions to save you time, money, and unnecessary imaging.
How To Start Living A Healthier Lifestyle
Living a healthy lifestyle is hard. In a world full of promises of instant gratification and products to fix our every last issue, it is shocking to see how difficult it is to live a healthy lifestyle.
Ten Things I Learned From A Decade In The Gym
I've been working in the fitness industry since I was 19 years old. At age 30, and thanks to the Coronavirus, this is the first year of my adult life not spent in a gym.
What Is The Absolute Minimum I Could Do Daily To Get Some Muscles?
What is the absolute minimum I could do to lose weight? Eat healthily and go for walks.
Can Home Workouts Build Muscle?
Can home workouts really build muscle as well as gym workouts? First, we’ll talk about how to build muscle, and next, we’ll go over the four best strategies for building muscle at home.
Are Kettlebells Good For Beginners?
Anyone can use kettlebells, but kettlebells are not for everyone. In some ways, they are great for beginners, and in others, they are not. In this article, we'll breakdown why.
Work From Home Mental Health Tips
With years of experience helping people who work in front of a computer, here are our top five tips for maintaining your mental health while working from home!