Are Xero Shoes Good For Flat Feet? High Arches? Pronation? Supination?

Whenever I talk to someone about the benefits of minimalist shoes, the first thing that comes out of their mouth is an excuse as to why they themselves cannot wear minimalist shoes. 

I have high arches

I have flat feet

I pronate or supinate 

The sun is in my eyes ;)

While some people with severe pre-existing conditions should avoid minimalist shoes, most people don’t fall into this category and simply have incredibly weak feet.

Let’s pretend that you were in a minor fender bender a mile away from your home, but the way you got hit caused your shoes to be utterly destroyed, and your car was towed to the mechanic shop. Could you walk that mile back to your home barefoot? Would you be able to walk the next day? 

If you cannot walk a mile without shoes, can you walk a mile unassisted? 

If you cannot walk that mile barefoot, your feet are weak.

This article is not a review of Xero shoes. In this article, we’ll finally put to rest common excuses for avoiding minimalist shoes and I’ll share the best tools available to strengthen your feet. Let’s get started.

Are Xero shoes good for flat feet?

Yes. In general, your average flat-footed person has weak arches. Minimalist shoes do a great job of strengthening your feet and your arches. 

If you are flat-footed and this is your first pair of Xero shoes, I’d strongly recommend starting slow. Casually wear them for an hour your first day, then slowly build up to wearing them all day long or working out in them. When starting off with minimalist shoes, the biggest mistake is wearing them for too long, too soon, and hurting yourself.

Remember, everyone is different, and everyone will adapt to the barefoot feel at a different pace. In addition, everyone moves differently. Did you know there are four different ways to be flat-footed? 

Me neither, but Dr. Emily Splichal sure does. If you have a unique foot or gait issue, I’d recommend working with her or watching her videos.  

Are Xero shoes good for high arches? 

Just like flat feet, not all high arches are created equal. Some are the result of genetics or a neurological problem. While Xero shoes could help, speak to a specialist before transitioning to minimalist footwear. 

If you are someone who never had high arches until after puberty, minimalist shoes will likely help the situation. High-arched people generally have uneven weight distribution through their feet. Minimalist shoes can remedy that quickly.

high arches xero shoes

With high arches, you have to transition to barefoot shoes very slowly. Start with 15 minutes of barefoot walking a day and gradually build up. 

I am not a doctor myself, but Katy Bowman is an excellent resource for building stronger feet with high arches. 

Are Xero shoes good for people who pronate or supinate?

Depending on how much you pronate or supinate, you’ll likely need to work with a physical therapist. However, if you have extreme pronation or supination and want to start exercising today, I recommend going with a shoe designed to counter your pronation or supination. 

Xero shoes will strengthen your feet regardless of your pronation or supination. In addition, barefoot running has also been shown to help improve overpronation. Although if you suffer from either pronation or supination, start physical therapy first. You will likely only need one or two sessions to learn the workouts you should be doing daily for your unique gait.

xero shoes pronation

How to train your feet for minimalist shoes? 

I’ve mentioned transitioning to Xero shoes many times in this article, but I haven’t said what that looks like. It starts with simply taking off your shoes and walking around your home. But don’t just walk forward; walk backward, shuffle side to side, and move around if you feel comfortable doing so. Walking backward is great for your knees, ankles, and feet. Moving laterally will help improve your balance. Any way you move around barefoot will strengthen your feet initially. Take 10 minutes a day to start. 

After a week, grab a pair of minimalist shoes and go for a walk. Start with ten minutes and work your way up to half an hour.

foot rollout

If your feet start to feel tight from this barefoot exercise (they will), I’d recommend having a lacrosse ball and toe spacers nearby. The lacrosse ball loosens up your arches before or after barefoot activity, and the toe spacers are for stretching your feet. 

When it comes to toe spacers, I prefer the toe socks, but don’t fall asleep with them on! Seriously, you’ll be in a lot of pain when you wake up. If you prefer something you can wear with regular socks, toe spacers would be the better option.

toe spacer

That is the foundation for starting to run barefoot. It could take you two weeks or ten months to be able to walk half an hour barefoot, and then you can consider starting running. 

Are Xero shoes good beginner running shoes? 

Not really. Barefoot shoes are hard to get used to. If you want to start running in barefoot shoes, you should do all the aforementioned prep work and only then begin by running warm-up sprints instead of jumping into endurance training. 

You have to learn barefoot running technique, which comes naturally to most people because running with improper form barefoot hurts, so people tend to start running with better form unconsciously. It will take a long time for you to be able to run any distance in Xero shoes, but it is worth it. 

Are Xero shoes good for transitioning to minimalist footwear? 

After all you’ve read, you might think this sounds like a lot of work. I promise it isn’t, but it will be uncomfortable. You have been walking and running in gym shoes for however many years you’ve been alive, and removing those cushions may be a shock to the system. That is why this article has repeatedly counseled caution when starting with minimalist footwear. 

Your feet are your foundation and impact your knees, hips and lower back profoundly. Minimalist shoes can reduce your risk of injury and improve your balance and coordination. In many cases, they can help relieve all sorts of ailments, from lower back tightness to flat feet.

transitioning to minimalist shoes

Xero shoes might not be for everyone in terms of style. Still, many people can benefit from using Xero shoes to transition to minimalist shoes when it comes to functionality and comfort.


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