Is Pickleball a Good Exercise For Weight Loss?

As an athletically challenged teenager, I dreaded gym class in high school. Especially since my gym teacher liked to dedicate each month to a different sport or exercise. She had us partake in the usual suspects, such as softball, basketball, volleyball, and floor hockey. But there were also times where we dabbled in less conventional high school gym curriculum such as square dancing, golf, badminton, and tinikling, a traditional folk dance from the Philippines involving jumping in and out of bamboo sticks. I hated all of it until the month she decided to teach us pickleball.

pickleball for weight loss

I can’t quite explain why pickleball was the only sport that really clicked with me in my youth. Perhaps because it was slightly easier than tennis and more satisfying than badminton, or because the name made me and my friends giggle. Whatever the case, it was the first time I found myself having fun with any exercise and actually looking forward to gym class instead of seeing it as a punishment. Nowadays, pickleball has exploded in popularity and is extremely accessible sport that is great for people of all ages and fitness levels. Pickleball definitely ticks the “fun” box, but is it also an effective exercise for weight loss?

Where did pickleball come from?

Before we get into the details of pickleball, let’s start out with a bit of history. Pickleball was invented in 1965 by three friends, Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum. They were hanging out with their families one summer and tried to set up a game of badminton, but couldn’t find all the necessary equipment. Instead, they improvised a game with their families using what they could find, combining badminton with tennis and ping pong.

history of pickleball

From there, the sport slowly gained momentum, with the first permanent pickleball court being installed in 1967 and the first official rulebook coming out in 1972. Finally, in 1984, the United States Amateur Pickleball Association (USAPA) was formed, which helped grow the sport and give it legitimacy. In recent times, pickleball has soared in popularity, perhaps due to its social nature. Many people picked up the sport as a way to connect again after isolating during the early 2020s.

How do you play pickleball?

Pickleball is relatively easy to play. Here are the basics:

  • The game starts with a diagonal, underhand serve from one team to the other.

  • The opening serve and any subsequent volley (hitting the ball from the air) must clear the “kitchen”, which is a 7-foot area in front of the net on each side.

  • Points are scored when the non-serving team hits the ball into the net, out of bounds, or when the ball bounces more than once on their side.

  • The game is won when one team hits 11 points, but they must be ahead of the other team by 2 points.

  • If the score is tied when the points reach 11, the teams would keep playing until one team is 2 points ahead.

That’s probably a lot to take in without visuals, so here’s a great video that explains the basics with footage for clarity:

As far as equipment goes, you’ll need a paddle and a ball to get started. If you don’t have access to a pickleball court, you’ll also need a net as well. If you’re interested in fully investing in the sport and setting up your own court, you can find all the equipment bundled together as a set.

When you’re playing pickleball, I would recommend wearing comfortable, light clothing that allows movement in all directions. Breathable, moisture wicking fabric is essential as well, especially if you plan to play outside on a warm day. As far as footwear goes, I would highly recommend trying a pair of Xero Shoes. Their minimalist, lightweight shoes are perfect for increasing your agility on the court. I personally own the HFS II, which is extremely comfortable and cushioned with lots of traction on the bottom.

Is pickleball a good exercise for weight loss?

Starting a weight loss journey involves setting goals, getting your diet right, optimizing your hydration, and including exercise into your routine. Movement is probably the most important thing you can add to your lifestyle to help you lose weight. When it comes to working out, it’s especially important to find an activity that is both effective and enjoyable so that you’re easily motivated and can make good progress toward your goal. Pickleball is a great way to combine having fun with losing weight!

losing weight with pickleball

First of all, pickleball is a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups as you move around, building endurance and strength. You won’t get jacked from playing pickleball, but it can still help you develop your muscles. Building muscle is important for weight loss, since muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue. Pickleball is also a great way to get some cardio in since all the constant movement and changes in direction elevate your heart rate. The stop-and-start nature of pickleball is particularly effective for fat loss because it’s similar to interval training, which can increase metabolism and calorie burning both during and after the activity.

Is pickleball easier than tennis?

Although pickleball is pretty similar to tennis, it’s definitely easier. The rules of pickleball are much simpler and easier to pick up compared to tennis and there aren’t as many strokes or techniques to learn. Tennis involves a lot more running around and is more physically demanding, since the courts are larger. Tennis games also tend to last longer. Pickleball’s smaller court size and quick game times make it more accessible and easier for people of all abilities. Additionally, a pickleball is larger and moves more slowly than a tennis ball, making it easier to run after and allowing for a more relaxed paced game.

Is pickleball good exercise for seniors?

Pickleball is great for seniors! It’s a low-impact exercise that puts minimal stress on joints. It can help increase agility and flexibility, both of which tend to decrease with age. Similarly, pickleball can improve balance and coordination, which is helpful for preventing falls in older people. Joint health is yet another benefit to playing pickleball as a senior. Pickleball is a dynamic sport with a variety of different movements that keep joints flexible, which can contribute to overall mobility and comfort.

is pickleball good for seniors

Seniors may also find pickleball to be beneficial for non-phyiscal reasons. There is an innate community aspect to this sport since it’s most often played in doubles. Older folks can sometimes find it hard to socialize, and pickleball is great for making friends and building a community. Social interaction helps to boost mental health as well, especially in your later years.

Pickleball is an excellent way to lose weight, socialize, and have fun. It’s an easy and accessible sport, so if you’re just starting your weight loss journey, and/or you’re looking for an easy way to challenge yourself physically, pickleball might just be the perfect entry point into fitness for you.

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